Official Memo by CEO Leon Alkalai Re: Mandala’s Support for Engineers and Professionals Affected by the Recent Layoffs at JPL

Memo To: The Local Space Community, Partners and Friends
Subject: Mandala’s Support for Engineers and Professionals Affected by the Recent Layoffs at JPL
Date: Feb 15, 2024
From: Leon Alkalai, Mandala Space Ventures, Founder & CEO

Dear Local Space Community Members, Partners, and Friends

In light of recent events that have led to layoffs within our engineering and technology community at JPL, we at Mandala Space Ventures (Mandala) wish to express our solidarity and support for those impacted. Understanding the challenges and uncertainties faced during these hard times, Mandala is committed to leveraging our resources, professional network, and technical services, to support those impacted.

As part of our core business, we are in active communication with over 100 CEOs and leaders within the space ecosystem in Southern California, from San Diego to Santa Barbara, and from Long Beach to the Mojave Desert. Our core mission is to build and maintain a vibrant and supportive emerging space ecosystem. As such, we would like to summon the collective readiness of the community to support the talented individuals affected by the layoffs, sharing job opportunities at local hiring organizations and matching them with resumes of impacted JPL employees. Our network is vast, inclusive, and fully prepared to extend opportunities that will facilitate new beginnings and meaningful pathways.

In partnership with local leaders, government officials, and JPL, Mandala plans to support the organization of multiple job networking events aimed at providing a platform and a venue for those impacted to connect with potential employers, industry leaders, and like-minded professionals. These initiatives are designed to open doors, foster collaborations, and provide broad opportunities for employment. Details regarding these networking events, including dates, locations, and participating organizations, will be announced shortly on the Mandala website:

Mandala is open for business and more importantly, open to supporting our community in times of need. We believe in the power of unity, collaboration, and compassion, and it is with this spirit that we move forward, ready to assist. For those wishing to learn more about how Mandala can help, please contact us directly. Together, we will overcome these challenges.

Warm regards,
Dr. Leon Alkalai
Founder and CEO
Mandala Space Ventures, LLC